Edinburgh Tourism Strategy 2030 – Action Planning

Edinburgh launched it's 2030 Tourism Strategy in February 2020 just as the pandemic struck - we are delighted to be producing the Action Plan to deliver it.

Scottish Enterprise, as part of its contribution towards the Team Edinburgh approach to delivering the Edinburgh 2030 Strategy, has commissioned Blue Sail to produce an Action Plan for Scotland’s capital city and top tourism destination. The focus of the Strategy was on managing growth while meeting the needs of residents – that hasn’t changed in the past two years. However some things are different – the Action Plan has to take account of rising costs, recruitment challenges, multi-speed recovery in inbound tourism, as well as ambitious targets for Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions.

As always, the list of potential actions are legion – and there are good arguments for each.  However we believe that the fewer actions there are, the more likely they are to be implemented – the trick is deciding what they should be.  Our job is to work with the 2030 Tourism Team and the project steering group drawn from Edinburgh Tourism Action Group to make those difficult choices and produce an Action Plan that works for the destination, its businesses, its residents – and of course its visitors.

It’s going to be an interesting summer.

Photo by Jim Divine on Unsplash