Blue Sail and the Shared Story™ – a unique approach
As destination development specialists, we believe in the power of stories to bring people together and make places stronger. That’s why we've developed an approach we call the Shared Story.
It’s a short and simple story – developed with the people in the place – that makes it clear what is special and different about the place. It doesn’t overpromise. It goes with the grain of the place, and is authentic and true.
A visitor economy strategy, destination management plan or new place brand is much more meaningful and likely to succeed if it has a Shared Story – created and agreed with the stakeholders – at its heart.
We’ve used Shared Story to enthuse stakeholders, reach consensus and bring place-making to life in dozens of destinations. We use tried and tested techniques, but Shared Story is bespoke for each place and situation. Do get in touch if you’d like to find out how shared stories can aid your destination development.