Warwickshire Tourism Growth Plan – into implementation

We've been working as tourism consultants on a Sector Growth Plan for Warwickshire over the last 6 months - and it's great to be asked to help the County Council move it forward into implementation.

As tourism consultants our role is often short term, in and out. So we are delighted to be continuing our work for Warwickshire County Council from the VisitWarwickshire marketing recovery campaign we ran between September 2021 and March 2022, into the Tourism Growth Plan to identify new opportunities for the visitor economy over the next 5 years, and now into helping with the first steps in implementation.

This support work has three strands – working with key partners to develop a Tourism Action Plan for immediate next steps during 2023; a scoping study for one of the key elements of the Growth Plan (excitingly, a new Camino route for Warwickshire) and finally updating our marketing work on the Visit Warwickshire campaign.

Warwickshire – it’s great to be back! Or rather not to have gone away.