Tourism attractions are the lifeblood of a destination. ELTAG is a group of around a dozen of East Lothian’s premier attractions working together to promote the destination and attract visitors. Sometimes overlooked in favour of more dramatic Scottish destinations, East Lothian, within easy reach of Edinburgh, is fantastic for a short break or day visit. Lovely coastline and beaches, attractive rolling countryside, walks, golf courses, picturesque towns and villages, strong heritage and culture and great places to eat and drink make for a pretty chilled offer. (Not to mention the highly charismatic puffins on the Bass Rock).
ELTAG, working at the coal face of tourism, of course recognise the potential of East Lothian and are keen to ensure they organise themselves in the best way possible to focus the use of their resources – for themselves and for the destination as a whole. We are working with them to review their purpose, whether and how they should extend membership, and how they work efficiently and effectively.
We’ll be consulting with the membership, canvassing potential new members and look at how other similar organisations run things. We’ll review all of this with ELTAG to identify various options which can enable what they really want to do. Form following function being the mantra.
We are also working in Edinburgh – and thoroughly enjoying being back in Scotland on two very different but equally interesting projects.