The art of place shaping

Just back from the TMI Annual Convention in Liverpool – where Lorna (right) and I helped Mark Stewart of Liverpool City Council with a Study Tour looking at the Rope Walks area – a great neighbourhood right in the heart of the city. Earlier this year we worked for LCC, Liverpool Vision and the Rope Walks stakeholders to take a market-focused look at this fascinating urban village.

It was great to be back there to talk to TMI delegates about what makes urban villages special, hear from entrepreneur and Rope Walks champion Dick Mawdsley, then get a guided tour and great insights from the guys – Steve Power and Matt Biagetti – who’ve been responsible for managing the regeneration of the area over the past few years.

Afterwards we had an inspiring talk from City Architect Rob Burns about the visionary place shaping of Liverpool – then a walk through Liverpool One to see this groundbreaking approach to city centre retail through his urban-designer eyes.