Tees Valley Combined Authority

Blue Sail has been appointed to prepare a Destination Management Plan for the Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority.

With an ambitious £20m Growth Programme for the Creative and Visitor Economies 2020 – 2025, the Mayor and Combined Authority are ‘thinking big’ in order to strengthen the profile of the destination and to attract visitors to the region.

Blue Sail will be developing a workable plan which will set out the strategic direction and management for the planning, development, growth and marketing of the Tees Valley as an attractive, competitive and nationally relevant destination.

It will be a shared plan which brings together the priorities of the five local authority partners and other significant stakeholders. Our work has been designed to bring these stakeholders together to input in to and shape the vision and future investment in destination products and assets, and the further development of the Enjoy Tees Valley destination brand.

It is early days, but we can’t wait to get under the skin of this exciting and aspirational region.