Living in interesting times

Image of post-it note saying Future perfect?

“May you live in interesting times” is a Chinese curse.

And that’s one way of looking at our current UK destination sector, where sometimes it feels like the only certainty is change. Yet “interesting times” can also stimulate creativity, inspire different ways of working, and lead to new relationships. We mustn’t waste a crisis, as Rahm Emanuel reminded us at the beginning of this one.

So, change isn’t all bad: that’s pretty obvious. And some people thrive on it. But in the adrenalin-fuelled honeymoon period of a new project or partnership, when the rallying cry is “fresh and new”, we need to resist the urge to cast aside all that’s gone before and throw babies out with bathwater. Because – while starting from scratch can be daunting and expensive – building on what’s gone before can be powerful and progressive.

Why am I thinking along these lines today (apart from the make-do-and-mend zeitgeist!)?

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Well, I’ve just realised that the plug has been pulled on a UGC (user-generated-content) tourism website that I usually advise clients to look at as an example of best practice. And we’ve also just noticed that an online treasure trove of practical marketing advice, provided by a now-defunct tourism marketing agency, is nowhere to be found on its successor’s website.

So this is a plea to people in charge of change in these interesting times of ours:

A new perspective can be refreshing. A fresh approach can do wonders. But please take a deep breath, take soundings and take advice before you pull the plug on your predecessors’ work.

And do have a Happy, Interesting 2012!