We have a workshop technique we’ve developed that we call “Tobermory”. It’s based on a small experience, sitting on the harbour wall at Tobermory, eating scallops & chips and enjoying the views. You’ll have to come to one of our sessions to find out more!
Anyway, we use it to illustrate the nature of memorable tourism experiences: those special moments – often small and simple – that remain in the memory and the heart long after other things about a trip have faded. It’s the importance of these emotional connections with a place that we stress in our work helping destinations with their development and their marketing … not just the rational benefits.
I’m thinking about Tobermory today because someone pointed me to this wonderful video – Moments by Will Hoffman. It’s a great reminder to we tourism folk that what we talk about, develop, manage and promote – however grand – is experienced by the visitor as a series of individual moments, sensations and connections.