What do we look for in great marketing? Creative? Goes without saying. Totally on-brand? Naturally. Motivating? Of course. Original, funny and engaging? Ideally. Relevant? Timeley? Absolutely.
So you can understand why we are totally impressed with the emails we’ve been getting from Howies, a small, active clothing company based in West Wales.
Their positioning and values stand out a mile on their website – environmentally responsible, quality clothes that are technically efficient and look great. Let it be said we like their stuff. And our admiration of them has increased with their emails which we signed up to receive.
The one sent just before the Easter weekend – tries to persuade you to be an Outsider. In the best ‘go outside’ meaning of the word. Here is what they said (yes, I know it’s a bit small, so for the full effect see here) …
And this is the one sent last week just before the bank holiday listing 10 nice things to do on the weekend…inspired my daughter to tick off a few of these too.
These emails tick all of our boxes for great marketing and communications. And interestingly are also on-brand with how VisitWales are positioning and promoting Wales. So Howies are also doing a great destination job too! A partnership opportunity if ever there was one.